Civil War

  1. 3. president of the United States during The Civil War.
  2. 5. color uniforms for the south troops
  3. 7. Extra troops
  4. 9. The southern group whose leader was Jefferson Davis.
  5. 11. a historic town in Jefferson County, West Virginia,
  6. 13. a surprise attack
  7. 14. an act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.
  8. 15. Brown an American abolitionist who believed armed insurrection was the only way to overthrow the institution of slavery in the United States.
  9. 18. an inhabitant of New England or one of the northern states
  10. 21. withdraw formally from membership in a federal union, an alliance, or a political or religious organization.
  11. 22. Letting people decide what they want
  12. 24. Blocking off something
  13. 25. A metal blade
  14. 26. words used to try and get ride of slavery
  15. 28. where the slaves worked, big farm
  16. 29. state that doesn't allow slavery
  17. 30. S. Grant commander of the Union at the end of the war.
  18. 31. most famous for helping slaves escape through the underground railroad
  19. 32. states that were against slavery
  20. 34. a person who supervises others, especially workers
  21. 35. Largest southern jail that help Union soldiers.
  22. 38. A type of pistol
  23. 39. Sumter battle that started the war.
  24. 40. the action of annexing something, especially territory
  1. 1. The distance inside a gun barrel
  2. 2. Railroad a network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th-century enslaved people of African descent in the United States in efforts to escape to free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause.
  3. 4. The bloodiest day of the war.Gettysburg The bloodiest battle of the Civil War.
  4. 6. Something to drink water out of
  5. 8. The culture of farming
  6. 10. E. Lee General of the Confederacy
  7. 12. a southern soldier
  8. 13. One who is against slavery
  9. 14. Color of the northern troops
  10. 16. A person that voted for no slavery
  11. 17. northern states
  12. 19. group. This group was lead by Abraham Lincoln. Union
  13. 20. the production of goods or services within an economy.
  14. 23. states that were for slavery
  15. 27. the production of goods or services within an economy
  16. 29. a short-lived political party in the United States
  17. 33. A large force of soldiers
  18. 36. a person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or ruler.
  19. 37. A free state and a slave state bordering each other