Respiratory system

  1. 4. has glands that secrete mucus to trap dust; warms and moistens air entering the lungs
  2. 5. curved, muscular structure below the lungs used in inhalation & exhalation
  3. 6. the voice box
  4. 9. ____ muscles found between the ribs; they help to move the ribs; there are 2 types (internal and external)
  5. 10. passageway to the lungs; has c-shaped rings of cartilage, and cilia
  1. 1. these help to waft mucus to the pharynx
  2. 2. branching network of tubes leading to the alveoli
  3. 3. passageway of air and of food
  4. 7. site of gaseous exchange with the blood
  5. 8. branches that lead from trachea to left and right lungs; contains cartilage and cilia