Diabetes Mellitus

  1. 2. it occurs when the level of glucose in blood drops below normal
  2. 3. a hormone produced in the pancreas that helps glucose to get into the blood
  3. 6. insulin is produced by the … of langerhans
  4. 8. One of method of controling type 2 diabetes
  5. 10. a hormone in the body that lowers the amount of sugar in the blood
  6. 13. is a disease that most people (80%) with type ii diabetes suffer from
  7. 15. Disease caused by a fatty substance building up inside the arteries
  1. 1. a medical condition in which your blood pressure is extremely high
  2. 4. relating to a condition in which someone's antibodies attack substances that are naturally found in the body
  3. 5. damage of the retina of the eye caused by diabetes that can lead to blindness
  4. 7. organ that secretes insulin and glucagon
  5. 9. Period of time when usually type 1 diabetes develops
  6. 11. damage to, or disease affecting the nerves
  7. 12. lack of insulin causes our body to use fat for energy that is manifested by increased level of … produced by liver
  8. 14. hyperglycaemia is manifested among others by persistent thirst which is called …