infinity and beyond

  1. 4. the galaxy that includes our Solar System,
  2. 6. only star in our solar system and very very hot
  3. 8. planet that has a volcano
  4. 10. a circle object in our solar system there are eight of them and they rotate the sun
  5. 11. a region of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune, believed to contain many comets, asteroids, and other small bodies made largely of ice
  6. 12. only planet founded with life and water
  7. 14. the collection of eight planets and their in orbit around the sun,
  8. 15. known as dirty snowball
  1. 1. orbit is a regular, repeating path that an object in space takes around another one.
  2. 2. the natural satellite of the earth
  3. 3. all existing matter and space considered as a whole
  4. 5. space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in which most asteroids are found
  5. 7. biggest planet in our solar system
  6. 9. point in the night sky which is a large,and a body like the sun
  7. 13. small rocky body orbiting the sun.