My Hero Academia

  1. 3. Class 1-B's homeroom teacher
  2. 4. Hero name of the lady that always argues with Midnight
  3. 5. Hero Killer
  4. 13. Student who looks a lot like Aizawa//Quirk is Brainwashing
  5. 14. "My name is not five weenies"
  6. 16. First name of the long lost friend of Aizawa and Present Mic
  7. 18. Kirishima's steel twin
  8. 22. Left a message in cheese outside of Midoriya's window
  9. 23. Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Shoto's brother
  10. 24. First name of a Class 1-B student who made fun of Bakugo and Todoroki for being scared
  11. 29. Strong villain with multiple quirks who appears in the My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising movie
  12. 30. Always threatens to expel his students
  13. 31. Has a crush on Midoriya
  14. 32. Hero name of All Mights former sidekick
  15. 35. Opposite of One For All
  16. 37. Daughter of Rei and Enji Todoroki
  17. 39. One of the only people Bakugo listens to
  18. 44. Highly intelligent bear/dog/mouse who runs UA
  19. 46. Hero name is Froppy
  20. 47. Named after a car//Trained Deku and All Might
  21. 49. Civilian name is Jin Bubaigawara
  22. 50. First name of Tenya Iida's brother
  23. 51. Little girl who didn't know how to smile
  24. 54. Has good fashion sense and is always angry
  25. 55. Young villain who generates sleeping gas
  26. 56. The best dancer of Class 1-A
  27. 58. His real name is Enji Todoroki
  1. 1. Hero name of the woman who had to stop Bakugo from hurting Shoto further during the Sports Festival
  2. 2. Once roasted Bakugo
  3. 5. Off-brand Ninja Turtle
  4. 6. Martial arts master
  5. 7. Hero name of the Youngest Pro Hero//Fierce Wings
  6. 8. Always makes fun of Kaminari
  7. 9. Most of the fandom hates this character
  8. 10. "Rivalry in the dark"
  9. 11. Cries a lot
  10. 12. Monsters made from human corpses and are hard to defeat
  11. 15. Hates bugs and rarely speaks
  12. 17. Leader of the LOV
  13. 19. Helped Tsuyu when she was going into hibernation
  14. 20. Transgender villain
  15. 21. Female villain who loves blood and gore
  16. 25. Richest Class 1-A student
  17. 26. Short female villain who confesses her love to Gentle Criminal to make his quirk stonger
  18. 27. Second son of Rei and Enji Todoroki
  19. 28. Laughed at Bakugo when Bakugo was only shown in the corner of the screen in an interview with Todoroki
  20. 33. The hero name of Aizawa's best friend
  21. 34. Invisible girl
  22. 35. Number One Hero
  23. 36. Hero who was strict with Kirishima and Tetsutetsu when they entered his agency
  24. 38. Villain who enjoys being a showman
  25. 40. Mature villain who keeps Shiggy under control
  26. 41. Class 1-B representative
  27. 42. Pro hero who looks like an astronaut
  28. 43. Full name of one of the first heroes introduced in My Hero Academia
  29. 45. Shoto's mother's full name
  30. 48. Tortured Eri
  31. 52. Won the best room competition because of cooking skills
  32. 53. Crazy student who needs to be kept under Kendo's watch
  33. 57. Hero name correlates with his brother