Scientific Method

  1. 2. characteristics in an experiment that change or can be changed
  2. 4. The act of noticing something
  3. 7. step-by-step plan for the experiment
  4. 9. Step-by-step approach to research
  5. 11. variable variable that you change on purpose (the CAUSE)
  6. 12. Trials number of times an experiment is repeated for reliability
  1. 1. educated guess (prediction) about what the answer to one's research question might be
  2. 3. participants do not know the purpose of the experiment
  3. 5. used for testing one's hypothesis
  4. 6. Variable variable that responds to the change in the independent variable (the EFFECT)
  5. 8. standard for COMPARISON in an experiment
  6. 10. information provided and collected from the experiment