Creating the Constitution

  1. 2. the number of branches created under the Constitution
  2. 3. the second government of the United States
  3. 4. one of the two houses created out of the great compromise
  4. 7. trade between states
  5. 8. two house; two body
  6. 9. approve
  7. 10. the types of goods the southern states were producing
  8. 13. Federalists wanted a strong one of these
  9. 15. last name of one of the anti-federalists
  10. 16. the title given to the "executive" under the Articles of Confederation
  11. 18. the name of the compromise that covers that issue between foreign and interstate trade
  12. 19. means to change
  13. 21. the plan that says states wanted representation based on population
  14. 22. the plan that says states wanted equal representation
  15. 23. the types of goods the northern states were producing
  16. 24. one house; one body
  17. 25. one of its leaders were Hamilton
  18. 26. opposed ratification
  1. 1. the compromise over representation in the House of Representatives
  2. 5. the number of states needs to amend the Articles of Confederation
  3. 6. the name of the compromise surrounding the issue of representation in congress
  4. 11. also known as the Connecticut compromise
  5. 12. the system of government the US was under when the states had more power
  6. 14. what the Anti-federalists wanted added to the Constitution
  7. 17. Anti-federalists wanted a strong one of these
  8. 20. finish the quote "all ______ _______ should be counted as well as three-fifths of all other persons"