City of Bones - ORP 3rd Quarter 2022

  1. 1. main character of the story
  2. 5. Clary's best friend, different than everybody in the story - mundane
  3. 7. person sided with Valentine- betraying everyone at the Institute
  4. 10. name of introduction story
  5. 13. Starkweather's best weapon of choice
  6. 14. werewolf, Valentine's Parabatai
  7. 15. Lightwood, former student of Starkweather, uses an electric laced whip
  8. 17. family name for Valentine and his broken family
  9. 18. Lightwood, former student of Starkweather, weapon of choice- bow & arrows
  1. 2. family also banished to the Institute along side Starkweather
  2. 3. One of the Mortal Instruments, can make a mundane into a Shadowhunter
  3. 4. people that slay demons
  4. 6. home land of Shadowhunters
  5. 8. Clary's mother, wife of Valentine, Lucian's best friend
  6. 9. Clary's brother one of the most powerful Shadowhunters (- at the Institute)
  7. 10. Shadowhunter collective
  8. 11. device that senses demons- its frequency depending on its power or distance
  9. 12. the man who stole the Mortal Cup
  10. 16. where Jace, Alec, Isabelle, and (formerly)Hodge Starkweather lived and "worked" at