Spring Crossword

  1. 3. The main thing that we go through with the thing from winter to spring
  2. 5. ..._____ flowers
  3. 6. The first season of the year
  4. 10. Our mascot
  5. 11. life becomes ________ during spring
  6. 13. What came right before spring
  7. 14. You hear these chirping all over the place
  1. 1. Spring starts in this month
  2. 2. The first day of spring is called the ______ Equinox
  3. 4. Rabbits eat these...
  4. 7. ______ is the symbol of Spring
  5. 8. _____ Showers bring...
  6. 9. ______ sprout during spring
  7. 12. The time we go through as Catholics before Easter