Presidential Cabinet

  1. 3. Provides educational programs to benefit former soldiers and their families
  2. 6. Ensures safe working conditions
  3. 7. Is the largest department, with its headquarters in the Pentagon
  4. 8. head is the Attorney General
  5. 10. Safeguards the nation’s food supply
  6. 12. Oversees programs to promote equal opportunities among students
  7. 13. includes the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  8. 14. Protects national parks
  1. 1. Secures and manages U.S. borders
  2. 2. Extends financial credit to farmers
  3. 4. Represents the U.S. at the UN
  4. 5. promotes international trade
  5. 9. manufactures coins and paper money and collects taxes
  6. 11. Maintains national highways
  7. 12. works to develop clean coal technology