Criminal Procedure in Belarus

  1. 2. written notification of a summons to the criminal prosecution body or to the court for the procedural actions
  2. 3. actions of citizens to detain a person who has committed a crime, to prevent a crime and to transfer a person to a special body
  3. 6. negotiations of the accused and victim with the participation of the third party in order to assist their reconciliation
  4. 7. procedural action carried out in order to establish the fact and circumstances of the commission of a socially dangerous action and the person who committed this action, as well as to ensure the application of punishment to this person
  5. 9. person who isn't interested in the outcome of a criminal case, has special knowledge in science, technology, art, craft and other fields of activity
  6. 12. an official carrying out criminal prosecution and supports the state accusation in court
  7. 14. an individual to whom physical, property or moral damage has been caused by a socially dangerous action
  8. 15. person who knows any circumstances in a criminal case and who testifies in court
  9. 16. an individual who may be guilty of a crime and who are being judged in a court
  1. 1. an individual who protects the rights and legitimate interests of a suspect or accused and provides them with legal assistance
  2. 4. any factual data that is used to establish the presence or absence of a socially dangerous action, prove that something is true or not true, that individual is guilty or not guilty
  3. 5. an official carrying out a preliminary investigation
  4. 8. the decision made by the trial court on the guilt or innocence of an accused, on the application or non-application of punishment to him and on other issues
  5. 10. an individual who supposedly committed the crime
  6. 11. document including the fact of procedures, the content and results of procedural actions
  7. 13. enforcement measures applied to a suspect or accused to prevent them from committing socially dangerous actions or actions that discourage the criminal proceedings, as well as to ensure the execution of a sentence (synonym for preventive measures)