Step One: Solve

  1. 1. birth pains
  2. 3. unexpected sneak peek answer
  3. 8. baby's first footwear
  4. 9. classic stuffed cuddly
  5. 10. found goodwill bed
  6. 11. furry older sister
  7. 13. thumb substitute
  8. 15. ____ table; don't eat here
  9. 17. baby's noise maker
  10. 18. expected sneak peek answer
  11. 19. cleans baby skin
  12. 22. baby's bodysuit
  13. 23. mom
  14. 24. bawl
  15. 25. predicted delivery
  1. 2. milk container
  2. 4. baby P birth month
  3. 5. mom and baby astrology
  4. 6. dad
  5. 7. standard 12 weeks with new baby
  6. 9. weeping and gnashing of gums
  7. 12. covers baby's bottom
  8. 14. auto accessory
  9. 16. recent arrival
  10. 20. bird that brings baby
  11. 21. mealtime neckwear