Physical Education Crossword

  1. 3. Use them to crank up reverse or lateral lunges (place one foot on the disk and glide into the lunge and back to the starting position).
  2. 8. This exercise works the muscles in your hips and legs.
  3. 13. This exercise works your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes.
  4. 15. Commonly used by gymnasts and CrossFit athletes, parallettes let you test (and push) the limits of your physical strength.
  5. 17. These strength-training devices look like overgrown, colorful beach balls, but can be very effective pieces of exercise equipment.
  6. 19. is a biceps curl, but it feels much different if you're doing it with a cable machine than a barbell
  7. 20. are iron bars covered in foam rubber, making them a friendlier (and lighter weight) alternative to standard barbells.
  8. 21. works the muscles in your lower body, including your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.
  9. 24. The unassuming straps hanging from your gym’s ceiling are really an all-in-one gym.
  10. 25. a tool that builds mobility, stability and dynamic strength through loaded movement training.
  11. 26. These are some of the most common machines you see, machines with rectangular plates that allow you to insert a pin underneath the amount of weight you want to lift.
  12. 27. are slightly larger (and sometimes heavier) versions of medicines that don’t bounce.
  13. 29. Body bars are foam-covered weights that may be used in a total body workout class to combine aerobic exercise with strength training.
  14. 30. This exercise works the muscles in your back, shoulders, and arms.
  1. 1. machines are a staple of gyms and can be quite effective if used correctly.
  2. 2. These work the same as stack machines in that they work on a fixed path. The difference is you have to load the plates onto the machine.
  3. 4. It stands for “both sides utilized,” meaning you can use both the dome stability ball-like side and the flat platform for exercises.
  4. 5. strength training with machines is as effective as free weights, plus machines have the advantage of being safer and easier to use.
  5. 6. work the chest muscles (pectorals), as well as the shoulder muscles, triceps, and abdominals.
  6. 7. This fitness tool was developed in Russia for use in strength training and aerobic exercise to work all muscle groups at the same time.
  7. 9. as chicken soup for the swole. You’ll often see people use these basketball-shaped weights to add resistance to core exercises like sit-ups or Russian twists.
  8. 10. can be a lifter’s best friend for moves like back squats, deadlifts and snatches.
  9. 11. Barbells are long bars with weights attached at the ends.
  10. 12. is a versatile type of workout that you can do almost anywhere.
  11. 14. These giant inflatable beach ball-like tools are another way to up the anté on strength training exercises.
  12. 16. are an excellent exercise for improving your core strength and stability.
  13. 18. are just like they sound weighted bags of sand that look like big duffle bags
  14. 19. Grab one of these giant ropes in each hand and begin lifting the rope up and down explosively creating waves.
  15. 22. Bands are portable and inexpensive.
  16. 23. are a good place to start if you’re new to strength training.
  17. 28. The cannonball-like weight with a single loop handle looks like something out of Game of Thrones but it’s a great way to build power.