  1. 5. feeling pleased and satisfied about something that you own or have done
  2. 6. or because of something you have done
  3. 7. happy that something unpleasant has not happened or has ended
  4. 9. unhappy because something you hoped for has not happened
  5. 13. surprised or upset because something unexpected happened
  6. 14. wishing you had what another person has
  7. 15. feeling unhappy because something is not interesting
  8. 16. to make someone worried, unhappy or angry
  1. 1. feeling shamed or feeling embarrassed about
  2. 2. unable to think clearly or to understand what is happening or what somebody is saying
  3. 3. to annoy someone by not doing or saying what they want
  4. 4. afraid; feeling fear
  5. 8. feeling ashamed or shy
  6. 10. feeling or showing happiness
  7. 11. very pleased
  8. 12. worried and nervous