Social Work Month

  1. 4. these rounds are done daily with RN, CM, SW, and physician advocates
  2. 5. This bright pink form is a way to ensure patient's wishes are honored
  3. 6. we use this type of suicide screen when someone screens positive for depression, also the name of a country
  4. 10. this SW supervisor is the newest to the role
  5. 13. this disease has been around the hospital since 2020, currently down to only about 10 infected inpatient
  6. 14. National Health foundation is this type of care, a place for people experiencing homelessness to go to after discharge
  7. 15. this outpatient social worker has been at Cedars the longest
  8. 16. where you can find social workers and case managers working and hanging out
  1. 1. SB1152 mandates that patients experiencing this are given resources prior to discharge
  2. 2. Social workers do discharge planning as well as what kind of assessments
  3. 3. this inpatient social worker spearheaded social work month and made it so special!
  4. 7. these coordinators are so helpful by setting up rides home for patients
  5. 8. we aim to do this by 11am
  6. 9. this SW supervisor is a Packers fan
  7. 11. where you can find many social workers on plaza level in the morning getting their coffee
  8. 12. this SW supervisor loves to gamble