Circulatory System

  1. 7. Relaxation after contraction
  2. 8. Connect AV valves to papillary muscles
  3. 9. Pumps oxygenated blood into body
  4. 11. Holds heart in place in the chest cavity
  5. 14. Type of connective tissue valves are made of
  6. 16. Transports oxygen-depleted blood from upper limbs, head, and neck
  7. 17. Covers heart valves and tendons
  8. 18. Valve directing blood from the ventricles into aorta and pulmonary trunk artery
  9. 19. Collects blood from heart muscle
  10. 20. Covers the outer surface of the heart
  1. 1. Artery where blood enters the right ventricle
  2. 2. Where contractions pumping blood occur
  3. 3. Receive blood returning to the heart
  4. 4. Where the heart is located
  5. 5. Broad end of the heart
  6. 6. Joins cardiac myocytes together
  7. 10. Valve allowing blood pumped to the lungs
  8. 12. Contraction of the heart
  9. 13. Narrow end of the heart
  10. 15. Surrounds the heart