Propeller Cars

  1. 4. energy Is energy stored in one location. There is no act of motion from the source.
  2. 7. Energy is when an object or person is in motion
  3. 8. Measures the distance your object traveled
  4. 10. The more force put into an object the faster it goes
  1. 1. The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.
  2. 2. For every action there is an equal or opposite reaction. Or every action reacts in the opposite direction.
  3. 3. Measures how fast one’s object was moving
  4. 5. If an object is at rest it tends to stay at rest until a force is acted upon it, an object in motion tends to stay in motion, until a force is acted upon it.
  5. 6. Is the resistance of any physical object to a change in its velocity
  6. 9. Physicist/Mathematician