Life After Highschool

  1. 2. A qualification given by a college/university to show the completion of a course of study
  2. 3. Aid Free money granted that you don't have to work for or pay back
  3. 5. The amount of money that is in the middle of the payscale for people doing that job
  4. 8. An independent school that sets its own policies and goals, and is privately funded
  5. 11. Loans funded by private lenders like banks
  6. 12. School that teaches skills directly related to specific jobs, usually those that are hands-on
  7. 13. A non-degree program that provides short-term training that can lead to employment
  8. 15. Loans funded by the government
  1. 1. The amount of money you make the first year of your career in a new profession
  2. 4. Money awarded on merit, such as academics or athletics
  3. 6. A certificate awarded by a school to show that someone has successfully completed a course of study
  4. 7. Schools primarily funded by a state government
  5. 9. A position where you learn by practical experience under skilled workers a trade or art
  6. 10. Money given by the government, awarded on financial need
  7. 14. charged to attend a school