Night Shift

  1. 1. centaurs are part horse and part ?
  2. 7. this animal was most likely the most powerful known to the ancient Greeks and gods were forever transforming into it
  3. 8. Which statue is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world
  4. 12. Which Greek mathematician wrote "The Elements"?
  5. 13. Name of the shield carried by Zeus
  6. 15. founder of the olympian dynasty
  7. 16. earliest known greek civilization
  8. 18. this town was the site of the oracle of Apollo
  9. 19. Where was the Parthenon built?
  10. 20. known for killing medusa
  11. 21. who cheated death twice?
  12. 22. god of war and battle
  13. 24. Zeus gave his brother the sea to rule, what was his name?
  14. 25. One of Greek's finest achievements in architecture
  15. 26. goddess of wisdom and war
  1. 2. the most important cultural center in the Hellenistic world was:
  2. 3. Who is the titan of the world and time who had swallowed his children
  3. 4. Herodotus is also known as the?
  4. 5. Gorgon that could turn people to stone
  5. 6. The ___ tells the story of Achilles
  6. 8. Cheron ferried the dead across this river
  7. 9. who were the chthonic goddesses of vengeance
  8. 10. Prometheus' gift to humanity
  9. 11. who is the smith that forged thunderbolts for zeus
  10. 13. a centaur taught him medicine so that's what he became the god of
  11. 14. creature that was part man and part bull
  12. 17. Hippocrates is also known as the
  13. 23. What female divinities were, in various forms, connected to different bodies of water, such as oceans or springs
  14. 27. the Trojan war was fought between the Greeks and the people of