Type II Diabetes Mellitus

  1. 4. Osmotic diuresis from glucose can lead to _____
  2. 6. A histological finding seen in the pancreatic islets
  3. 7. An osmotic agent involved in many diabetic complications
  4. 8. insulin inhibits this metabolic pathway (1 word)
  5. 9. DPP-4 inhibits _____
  6. 11. A dermatological finding associated with insulin resistance
  1. 1. An insulin dependent organ
  2. 2. Used to monitor glucose levels over a period of time
  3. 3. Stimulated by low plasma glucose
  4. 5. A rare adverse effect of _____ is lactic acidosis
  5. 10. A life-threatening complication of T2DM that can cause confusion or coma