
  1. 5. A characteristic that an organism can pass on to its offspring through its genes
  2. 6. When both genes are the same and the genotype has both capital or both lowercase letters: AA, aa, BB, bb
  3. 8. Describes a trait that covers over, or dominates, another form of that trait. It is written as a capital letter
  4. 10. Diseases whose risk increases through many different genes acting
  5. 11. Autosomal recessive - skips a generation
  6. 12. The genes that are present in an organism: Aa, AA, aa
  1. 1. When an individual is made up of populations of cells with different genetic constitutions e.g calico cats x chromosome inactivation leads to orange and black fur
  2. 2. The characteristic you see: blue eyes, brown eyes, curly hair, straight hair
  3. 3. The passing of traits from parent to offspring
  4. 4. When the genes are different and there's one dominant gene with a capital letter and one recessive gene with a lowercase letter: Aa, Bb, Dd, Rr
  5. 7. A segment of DNA on a chromosome that codes for a specific trait
  6. 9. an alternative or different form of gene