Mr. Engleman

  1. 2. this favorite musical artist high-fived me at his/her Omaha concert in 2014
  2. 3. besides English I taught this sixth grade class for one year
  3. 5. my favorite restaurant
  4. 11. this other favorite show of mine started the year I was born and continues to air today
  5. 14. name of Bitmoji I have around my room (one word)
  6. 18. I worked at this restaurant in college
  7. 19. the year I started teaching TAG at West Sioux (20..)
  8. 20. on my bulletin board, there is a picture of me standing in front of a castle. This is the setting for this favorite show of mine
  9. 21. the gang in Long Way Down
  10. 22. one of the two main characters in A Thousand Splendid Suns
  11. 24. my favorite place to travel
  12. 26. at this restaurant I worked at, I eventually became a "BLANK expert," meaning I trained other servers
  13. 27. number of nieces and nephews I have
  14. 28. one of my favorite TV shows
  1. 1. in November, I will have worked at the grocery store for this many years
  2. 3. mascot of the college where I got my teaching certification
  3. 4. my dog's name
  4. 6. the country the TAG students and I traveled to in 2022
  5. 7. the year I graduated from West Sioux (20..)
  6. 8. one of two countries the TAG students and I will travel to in 2024
  7. 9. graduated from this college in 2011 with a BA in English
  8. 10. city the TAG students and I went to in 2018
  9. 12. teacher (last name only) who lived above me in my old apartment in Hawarden
  10. 13. Mr. S in the Serial podcast was a...
  11. 15. the only high school grade-level I have never taught English for (number -th)
  12. 16. teacher (last name only) that traveled with me to London and Scotland in 2019
  13. 17. my favorite pop
  14. 20. prominent character in The Hate U Give who was never featured in the movie
  15. 23. number of years I've taught Senior English
  16. 25. the musical group we saw in London/Scotland in 2019