
  1. 2. The family played by blowing, etc
  2. 3. a piece that has two or more melodies playing at the same time
  3. 5. The family played by hitting items
  4. 7. a small piece of bamboo
  5. 9. refers to the feeling or emotion given by a piece of music
  6. 10. an element that makes piece of music sound happy or sad
  7. 11. refers to the tone quality of different sounds, voices and instruments
  8. 12. The family that has its instruments made of mainly metal
  9. 14. a large group of people playing different instruments
  1. 1. a piece with only one melody
  2. 4. a piece with one melody and a supporting accompaniment, both playing at the same time
  3. 6. refers to the different layers a song/piece has
  4. 8. refers to the relative volume of music
  5. 13. The family played by lucking long wire, string, etc