Getting to Know Jasmine

  1. 1. largest birthmark location
  2. 5. favorite words to say
  3. 7. favorite thing to sleep with
  4. 8. pregnancy craving
  5. 10. number of brothers
  6. 11. has the same middle name as
  7. 14. city of birth
  8. 16. place of birth
  9. 18. second love language
  10. 21. least favorite food
  11. 22. favorite city
  12. 23. high school
  13. 24. favorite number
  14. 26. year of gratuation
  15. 28. mom's name
  16. 30. favorite cereal
  17. 31. favorite food
  18. 32. order in which Jasmine was born
  19. 33. instrument played
  1. 2. third love language
  2. 3. smallest birthmark location
  3. 4. favorite instrument
  4. 6. number of sisters
  5. 9. shoe size
  6. 11. finger that birthmark is located
  7. 12. major in school
  8. 13. place to go to have personal space
  9. 15. number of birthmarks
  10. 17. ring size
  11. 18. favorite animal
  12. 19. birthday
  13. 20. favorite color
  14. 25. middle name
  15. 27. number of siblings
  16. 28. son's name
  17. 29. first love language