New Year Times Crossword

  1. 1. ideologies that opposed the values, beliefs and principles of liberalism
  2. 5. An ideology that values the freedom and worth of the individual
  3. 10. the right to vote
  4. 13. the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities
  5. 15. When major powers tried to lessen the tension during the cold war through talks
  6. 16. (last name) the father of capitalism
  7. 17. an acroymn for a situation that would result from an unwinnable nuclear war
  8. 19. the use of spies normally to obtain secret information
  9. 20. the political act of disagreeing
  10. 23. (2 words) when people were scared of communism and America isolated and there was a shift to the right
  11. 24. something that 2 reasonable people can disagree upon
  12. 25. a form of government with the authority vested in an elite group that kay or may not rule in the interest of the people
  13. 26. having exclusive control over something that makes it possible to manipulate prices
  14. 28. a collection of ideologies all committed to the principle of the dignity and freedom of the individual as the foundation for society
  15. 30. working class movement in Britain promoting political and social reform
  16. 31. the use of messages designed to influence the opinions or behaviours of a large number of people
  17. 36. ______ economy, where the government makes all the decisions and everything is shared equally
  18. 38. A ______ Paper that Trudeau created, that proposed to abolish all things that made First Nations people distinct from the rest of Canada
  19. 40. an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners
  20. 42. when too many people withdraw their savings from a bank at the same time causing the bank to possibly go bankrupt
  21. 43. _____ act used by government officials to control First Nations
  22. 44. Opposed the progress of the industrial revolution and destroyed machinery
  23. 45. far left, everyone working for the common benefit
  24. 46. (last name) the harm principle
  25. 47. the economic policies of the Ronald Reagan US presidency
  26. 48. an alliance or agreement
  27. 49. An anti-communist movement in the US in the 1950s
  28. 50. letting go/freeing from restraint
  1. 2. (last name) Believed that humans were inherently good but corrupted by society
  2. 3. An ideology that values the goals of the group and the common good
  3. 4. Square deal created by ______ Roosevelt
  4. 6. (2 words) The US provided aid to European nations after WWII while also imposing free-market policies on them
  5. 7. expanding and taking over territory through the violation of another country's sovereignty
  6. 8. ______ revolution, a time of social, economic and political reform in Quebec
  7. 9. (last name) Believed that humans were intelligent, reasonable and could make rational decisions
  8. 11. a term used to describe the containing of communism during the cold war
  9. 12. (last name) proposed a system of government that should be divided into 3 branches
  10. 14. having total control over its citizens, think Stalin
  11. 18. (last name) Believed human nature was characterized by fear, violence and dangerous self interest
  12. 21. a central authority or protecting ruler
  13. 22. New Deal created by ______ Roosevelt
  14. 27. A form of government in which political power rests with a small elite segment of society
  15. 29. when there is high inflation and high unemployment
  16. 32. a time that brought greater interest in the individual, represented a shift in ideology
  17. 33. a movement of thought, art and criticism that raises questions about the faith that moderns have in reason and in progress
  18. 34. a belief system that is outside the mainstream spectrum
  19. 35. (last name) thought that only a select few elite people should be allowed to run, believed in classical conservatism
  20. 37. a form of government in which a state is ruled by representatives of the citizen body
  21. 39. When countries are on the brink of a war
  22. 41. when the cost of products go up and interest rates go up