Module 6 topic 3 crossword

  1. 4. has 3 sides that add to 180 degrees
  2. 6. the S in A-S-A
  3. 7. what postlate proves that is 2 sides and 1 angle are congruent then the triangles are congruent?
  4. 8. the side that is not between 2 angles
  5. 11. the side in between 2 angles
  6. 14. if 2 angle and the non included side are congruent to another then they are congruent
  7. 15. if 2 triangles can be placed over each other and be the same
  8. 16. what means the same size and shape?
  1. 1. what postulate if 3 sides of a triangle are congruent to another triangle then they are congruent?
  2. 2. if 2 angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to another then they are congruent.
  3. 3. the same location on 2 or more objects
  4. 5. the side opposite of the right angle in a triangle
  5. 9. if the hypotonuse and leg of one right triangle are congruent to another then triangles are congruent
  6. 10. has one angle that is 90 degrees
  7. 12. the side opposite of the acute angle in a right triangle
  8. 13. the corner of 2 connecting lines