- 3. not recommended in which medical condition
- 4. identify the biomolecule structure
- 8. model is deficient in which amino acid
- 10. lipoprotein which has pufa
- 11. deficiency manifestation of the substance rich in these
- 13. recent mandatory used for which test
- 14. identify the condition
- 16. theory suggesting mecahnism of action of
- 18. anhydride of the above
- 19. defect in ECM
- 20. the food is a good source of?
- 1. identify the disorder
- 2. high cholesterol deposits
- 5. Glycosuria urine test
- 6. biochemistry instrument using thunder
- 7. he suffers from which vitamin deficiency
- 9. protein lost in urine
- 12. the newborn is treated for which condition
- 15. identify the disorder
- 17. bilirubin precursor