
  1. 4. Cottages were also our first contact with those who had not had the _________ of growing up in Hailsham.” – Kathy
  2. 7. it’s true. ________ was special. We were lucky. Tommy, Ruth, me. All of us.” – Kathy
  3. 9. is much, much worse for a student of Hailsham to smoke than anyone else … Keeping yourselves well, keeping yourselves healthy inside, is of _________ importance.” – Miss Emily
  4. 13. should have been you two together … But I kept you apart … It was because I was ______.” – Ruth
  5. 14. like I’m driving them to ______.” – Narrator
  6. 17. all know it. We just never say it. We’re modelled from trash. Junkies, prostitutes, winos, ______. Convicts, maybe, so long as they aren’t psychos.” – Ruth
  7. 18. before the Barricades started, Dad bought ten acres in the mountains and started building his _______, with safe water, safe air and a monumentally secure garden.” – Narrator
  8. 19. he lowers his fingertips nearer my ____ till I can feel their heat on my cheeks and then, without a sound, without the slightest incantation, he closes my eyes.” – Narrator
  9. 21. I see is people being ______ away by life and think the respectful thing to do is treat them efficiently…” – Narrator
  10. 22. one a little star, _______ out brightly.” – Narrator
  1. 1. in their final stages before the real rattle begins, they’re all ________ so they don’t have a lot of hang-ups.” – Narrator
  2. 2. who’s hid and survived will be taking what they can. There’ll still be ____ folk who’ve kept themselves safe, but not many.” – sick stranger
  3. 3. didn’t understand why, after all her _______, Ruth would decide that Tommy was the boy she liked most of all.” – Kathy
  4. 5. this: the future is a ________, packed with sick people, packed with hurt people, people on stretchers on halls … That’s the future.” – Otis
  5. 6. never say I’ve become ______ to the completions. But they are something I am able to live with. “ – Kathy
  6. 8. you _________ at me? … I expect I look a bit broken, Kath.” – Ruth
  7. 10. work with the dying, Dad. I’m _______ people.” – Narrator
  8. 11. on all fours, throwing up blood under the tree. Such a ________ scene, I’d like to paint it.” – Narrator
  9. 12. I realise how ____ she’s been to me the whole trip …” – Narrator
  10. 15. the ___ you’re touching him… It’s copied from that television show.” – Kathy
  11. 16. poor _________. I wish I could help you. But you’re by yourselves now.” – Madame Marie-Claude
  12. 20. suppose it is a bit cruel, the way they work him up like that. But it’s his own _____. If he learned to keep his cool, they’d leave him alone. “ – Ruth