Popular Art

  1. 1. Disease that took the life of Keith Haring.
  2. 7. with parts or aspects that are not equal or equivalent; unequal.
  3. 8. is a painting applied directly to a wall usually in a public space.
  4. 9. European artist hub.
  5. 11. Place where Keith Haring grew up
  6. 13. Balanced, one side is the same as the other
  1. 2. Form of art that is not very detailed.
  2. 3. Art form that is very detailed
  3. 4. Subway artist of New York that incorporated interesting images with vibrant colors and action lines
  4. 5. Was a famous artist that used repetitive illustrations of celebrities and popular items of the time period
  5. 6. Art form displaces extravagant colors and simple figures and objects
  6. 10. Is hard to define and has a different meaning to most people.
  7. 12. Was a famous artist the used organic cut-out in his artwork.