Chem Crossword

  1. 4. Valence Electrons are most commonly in what state?
  2. 5. What is the Atomic # for Fermium?
  3. 10. What is the Element name for Ti on the periodic table?
  4. 14. What is the Atomic # for Magnesium?
  5. 15. # of Protons + # of Neutrons.
  6. 17. What is the Element name for O on the periodic table?
  7. 21. Atoms are made up of how many various Subatomic particles?
  8. 22. The observed colors when a substance is heated may be used as_____.
  9. 25. Wavelength X by frequency =?
  10. 26. Positively charged atoms with fewer Electrons than Protons.
  11. 29. Minimum amount of energy that can be gained or lost by an atom.
  12. 32. What is the Element name for Ca on the periodic table?
  13. 33. What is made of protons and neutrons?
  14. 35. Displays the wavelength and frequency.
  15. 36. element of an atom with the same number of Protons, but different number of Neutrons.
  16. 38. Subatomic particles with a +1 charge.
  17. 40. What is the Atomic # for Zirconium?
  18. 41. What is the Atomic # for Indium?
  19. 42. Amplitude.
  20. 43. The straight line that goes through the center of a circle is called the _____.
  21. 44. Atoms are made up of what type of particles?
  1. 1. What is the Atomic # for Zinc?
  2. 2. What is the Element name for Po on the periodic table?
  3. 3. Unstable Isotopes are commonly referred to as______.
  4. 6. Atoms are mainly____.
  5. 7. What is the Element name for H on the periodic table?
  6. 8. What is the Atomic # for Argon?
  7. 9. Depends on # of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons.
  8. 11. A shell that can hold Electrons.
  9. 12. What is the Element name for Rn on the periodic table?
  10. 13. An atom that has gained or lost one or more electrons.
  11. 16. Atoms absorb energy and become____.
  12. 18. What is the Element name for Y on the periodic table?
  13. 19. What is the Element name for Dy on the periodic table?
  14. 20. Atoms mainly consist of_____.
  15. 23. What is the Atomic # for Ytterbium?
  16. 24. What absorbs the energy from a flame when a substance is heated?
  17. 27. Subatomic particles with zero charge.
  18. 28. What is the Atomic # for Sodium?
  19. 30. Every atom has it/entirely of Protons and Neutrons.
  20. 31. What is the Element name for Pb on the periodic table?
  21. 34. Negatively charged atoms with more Electrons than Protons.
  22. 35. Smallest subatomic particles with -1 charge.
  23. 37. An electron makes a what from a higher energy level to a lower energy level?
  24. 39. What is the Element name for Na on the periodic table?
  25. 40. The amount of waves per second is called_____.
  26. 44. The atomic number is usually given as the atomic____.
  27. 45. Neutral atoms have zero_____.