  1. 3. the funds collected from taxes on income and profits
  2. 5. a person who receives and lives on a pension
  3. 6. money entering the circular flow
  4. 8. money leaving the circular flow
  5. 12. the number of people unemployed expressed as a percentage of the labour force
  6. 15. the currency of Australia
  7. 16. when people are in-between jobs
  8. 17. the total amount of a given product or service a supplier offers to consumers at a given period and a given price and level.
  9. 18. quantity of consumers who are willing and able to buy products at various prices during a given period of time.
  10. 20. the monetary values of goods and services that producers and consumers purchase
  11. 21. an estimate of income in a set period of time
  12. 22. the demand for a good or service is greater than the availability of the good or service.
  13. 23. a percentage of income is levied by the government
  14. 25. abbreviation for gross domestic product
  15. 27. a sustained period of weak or negative growth in real GDP (output) that is accompanied by significant rise in the Unemployment rate
  16. 28. a spendable income after receiving gov welfare and paying personal income tax.
  1. 1. a graphical representation of the distribution of income or wealth.
  2. 2. a strategy in attempting to settle an issue
  3. 4. discouraged job seekers who are no longer actively seeking for work
  4. 7. total amount of income generated by the sales of goods and services.
  5. 9. an unemployment caused by automation and technology
  6. 10. FOREIGN made goods and services purchased by Australian households, businesses, governments or other organisations
  7. 11. a sector where people spend money on products not produced in Australia, so money flows out (import) or money flows in (export)
  8. 13. C+I+G1+G2+X-M = GDP
  9. 14. consists of those aged over 15 years who are actively employed & those who are unemployed but are actively seeking paid employment.
  10. 19. consumer confidence increasing, disposable income increasing, interest rates decreasing are all factors of..
  11. 24. instead of spending income, consumers put it into their own savings and store it
  12. 26. money received for work or through investments
  13. 29. AUSTRALIAN made goods and services purchased by foreign households, businesses, governments, and other organisations