In Our Library

  1. 3. Acronym for professional library workers group in the US.
  2. 5. Rolled up book.
  3. 8. Can be hard- or soft-, method of keeping pages together.
  4. 9. Dr. Seuss' real last name.
  5. 12. The name of our Library's Instagram account: @
  6. 15. To check out again.
  7. 18. Type of nonfiction, not current events.
  8. 19. Legal rights to print. Usually listed as a number.
  9. 21. A person's life story, written by them.
  10. 22. Periodical Publication.
  11. 24. Use this app for library eBooks/eAudiobooks.
  12. 25. A library customer.
  1. 1. A book of maps.
  2. 2. Genre of Lord of the Rings, Discworld, etc.
  3. 4. Specific institution that the largest library in the world serves.
  4. 6. Who prints books.
  5. 7. Books written by Christie, Grisham, Koontz, etc.
  6. 10. Years until residents must renew their library card.
  7. 11. The name of a book.
  8. 13. (2 Words.) A Place in the library for individual or group work.
  9. 14. Inventor of a nonfiction numbering system.
  10. 16. Data about data.
  11. 17. Library department that focuses on reshelving, checking out books, and managing library accounts.
  12. 20. The part of the book that faces out on the shelf.
  13. 23. Searchable database of items at our library.