
  1. 2. Transcription factor that causes several hundred tissue-specific genes to be transcribed by a subpopulation of epithelial cells in the thymus
  2. 3. The end stage of disease in HIV infection
  3. 7. A mechanism NK cells use to induce apoptosis in virally infected cells or tumor cells
  4. 8. Soluble acute phase response protein that can bind mannose on pathogens; can activate the lectin pathway of Complement and acts as an opsonin
  5. 9. Short DNA sequences flanking Ig and TCR V, D and J gene segments that serve as the binding sites for the RAG complex
  6. 11. Large granular lymphocyte that serves as an innate effector cell by inducing apoptosis of target cells
  7. 13. Transcription factor expressed in Treg cells that is needed for Treg cell function
  8. 15. Immunoglobulin secreted by plasma cells
  9. 17. Upon activation differentiate into cytotoxic T lymphocytes
  10. 18. Highly active anti-retroviral therapy: multiple drug treatment for HIV infection
  11. 21. CD8+ T cells with the effector function of targeting and killing virally infected cells and tumor cells by apoptosis
  12. 22. Designation for specific cell-surface molecules on immune cells that help to differentiate one immune cell from another
  13. 23. Repeating molecular patterns on microbes that are recognized by PRRs on immune cells
  14. 26. Subset of CD4+ T cells characterized by the cytokines they produce
  15. 27. Family name for cytokines that help cells to resist viral infections
  16. 28. The regions of the antigen binding loops of Ig molecules, antibodies and T cell receptors that come into contact with antigen
  1. 1. Member of TNF receptor family expressed on certain cells that makes them susceptible to being killed by cells expressing the Fas ligand
  2. 4. Cells surface ligands for the leukocyte integrins; Critical in binding of lymphocytes and other leukocytes to certain cells
  3. 5. Amino acid sequence in cytoplasmic domains of membrane receptors involved in signal transduction
  4. 6. SIg on B cells that binds Ag and transmits signal 1 to activate B cells
  5. 10. Autoimmune disease where autoantibodies (against DNA, RNA, and proteins associated with nucleic acids) form immune complexes
  6. 12. Upon activation differentiate into distinct Thelper phenotypes with different roles in adaptive immunity
  7. 14. Receptors on immune cells and epithelial cells that recognize and bind to PAMPs on microbes
  8. 16. B lymphocyte that upon activation can differentiate into plasma cells secreting antibody molecules or B memory cells
  9. 19. A cell that is able to present antigen via MHC molecules to T cell receptors on T cells
  10. 20. A cytokine produced by macrophages and T cells that is highly pro-inflammatory
  11. 21. Acute phase protein that binds to phosphocholine, a constituent of certain bacteria, that can trigger Complement activation and acts as an opsonin
  12. 23. White blood cells with multi-lobed nuclei and cytoplasmic granules
  13. 24. End product of the Complement cascade that can kill pathogens directly by forming a pore in pathogen membrane leading to lysis
  14. 25. Human immunodeficiency virus
  15. 26. T cell subset that is responsible for suppressing or limiting immune responses