
  1. 3. done, occurring, or active at night.
  2. 5. The act or process of changing to better suit a situation.
  3. 9. very great in degree or severity.
  4. 10. Involving, relating to, or emphasizing behaviour
  5. 11. relating to or prompted by instinct; done without conscious thought.
  6. 12. A defence or tactic that organisms use to disguise their appearance, usually to blend in with their surroundings.
  7. 13. The act or fact of living or continuing longer than another person or thing.
  1. 1. the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded
  2. 2. How the animal's body functions or looks on the outside
  3. 4. a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify them.
  4. 6. the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.
  5. 7. hibernation is a seasonal heterothermy characterized by low body-temperature, slow breathing and heart rate, and low metabolic rate. It most commonly occurs during winter months.
  6. 8. behaviour-one that an organism develops as a result of experience.