
  1. 3. without which document it is impossible to do business if it is associated with a potential threat to the security of people, the state and the environment
  2. 8. set of principles or rules
  3. 9. every country has the right to make its own laws about it is people,government and territory
  4. 10. branch of government that clarifies laws
  5. 12. An offense (socially dangerous act), the Commission of which entails the application of criminal liability measures to a person
  6. 13. what citizens and owners of enterprises must pay to the state on the basis of special legislation
  7. 14. supremeā€¦.,constitutional,civil
  1. 1. a contract that has the necessary elements and thus can be enforceable
  2. 2. any meeting of the minds resulting in mutual assent to do or refrain from doing something
  3. 4. The group of people who are responsible for controlling a country or a state
  4. 5. A person who is trained and qualified to advise people about the law and to represent them in court, and to write legal documents-lawyer
  5. 6. branch of government creates laws
  6. 7. Athing or things that are owned by somebody
  7. 11. Normative legal act of higher legal force of the state