plate tectonics vocab

  1. 4. a large continuous mass of land conventionally regarded as a collective region
  2. 6. a large plume of hot mantle material rising from deep within the Earth
  3. 7. the solid outer part of Earth
  4. 12. to cut across or divide by cutting
  5. 13. a fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock
  6. 14. a scientific theory that explains how major land forms are created as a result of earths subterranean movements
  7. 15. a long cut in the ground
  8. 16. caused by the sudden movement of materials within the Earth, such as slip along a fault during an earthquake
  9. 17. the action or process in plate tectonics of the edge of one crustal plate descending below the edge of another
  10. 19. when two plates come together
  1. 1. the outermost layer of Earth's lithosphere that is found under the oceans and formed at spreading centers on oceanic ridges which occur at divergent plate boundaries
  2. 2. zone of Earth's mantle lying beneath the lithosphere and believed to be much hotter and more fluid than the lithosphere
  3. 3. occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other
  4. 5. the layer of granitic sedimentary and metamorphic rocks which form the continents and the areas of shallow seabed close to their shores
  5. 8. the part of the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake
  6. 9. a series of mountain ridges closely related in position and direction
  7. 10. an opening in the earths crust through which lava volcanic ash and gases escape
  8. 11. sudden slips on a fault and the resulting ground shaking and radiated seismic energy caused by the slip or by volcanic or magma activity or other sudden stress changes in the earth
  9. 14. a three dimensional surface or zone across which there is a significant change in the speed or direction of motion of one lithosphere plate relevant to the adjacent lithosphere plate
  10. 18. a super continent that incorporated almost all the landmasses on Earth