
  1. 4. gymbro's favorite school breakfast
  2. 5. somewhat irregular bagel topping
  3. 10. comes in a clear plastic cup
  4. 11. ur telling me a shrimp _____ this ____?
  5. 12. green!
  6. 14. GOATed school breakfast
  7. 15. unusual flavor of breakfast cereal
  8. 17. 20/20 vision?
  9. 19. give me the formuoli
  1. 1. often comes braided.
  2. 2. found in a soggy plastic bag, or occasionally sliced and in a box
  3. 3. concerningly damp, crunchy, and/or or really mushy (+ or rubbery)
  4. 6. flat, beige, circular, and filled
  5. 7. thick & steamy cylinder
  6. 8. Very much not a taco
  7. 9. soggy beef sandwich (w/ dairy)
  8. 10. flat, beige, circular (breakfast)
  9. 13. mandatory food item
  10. 16. the only time the dogs are allowed out at school
  11. 18. Got _____?