512 Activity

  1. 2. can read tarot
  2. 3. jersey girl
  3. 5. Texas
  4. 7. our resident red head
  5. 9. the "mom" of the cohort
  6. 11. left a cheeseburger in the microwave
  7. 12. has a bad memory
  8. 13. basically our anatomy teacher
  9. 16. Probably the first one to get engaged
  10. 18. totaled her car
  1. 1. "baeg"
  2. 4. golf bros and tennis girls
  3. 6. who everyone wants leo to date
  4. 8. our silent funny girl
  5. 9. a bears fan
  6. 10. Brings papples for Brooke
  7. 14. Loves to say "you goose"
  8. 15. has a crazy landlord
  9. 16. blocks everyone on venmo
  10. 17. Always says "trout mouth"