States of matter

  1. 2. State of matter without shape and volume but with weight.
  2. 6. What happens with water when we heat it.
  3. 8. The solid form of the water.
  4. 9. State of matter with no shape but with volume and weight.
  5. 12. when we want to make pancakes we add flour, milk, eggs and we create.
  6. 14. We heat water for drinks with it.
  7. 15. what happens to water when it's really cold.
  8. 16. When we want to move the water from one glass to the other.
  9. 18. We use it to make things sweet.
  10. 19. It get's bigger when heated. We eat it.
  1. 1. Ice cream does that when it's hot.
  2. 3. State of matter with volume, shape and weight.
  3. 4. When we want to make something hot we _______ it.
  4. 5. We put it on pancakes or in our coffee.
  5. 6. we use it to make things salthy.
  6. 7. What water does when it moves slowly and continuosly.
  7. 10. frozen watter that drips from the roofs.
  8. 11. where we keep our icecream.
  9. 13. pop Like a lollypop but with ice.
  10. 16. bags We use them to move things from one place to the other.
  11. 17. We use it on parties and it gets bigger if we put gas in it.