Roblox Jailbreak Trivia

  1. 1. S10 L10
  2. 3. free car
  3. 5. S12 L10
  4. 6. rarest rims
  5. 9. rarest color
  6. 12. rarest texture
  7. 13. the creators of jailbreak
  8. 15. The "holy grail" of trading
  9. 16. S11 L10
  10. 18. the only instant kill weapon in jailbreak
  11. 20. S9 L10
  12. 25. S7 L10
  13. 26. what do the celsior, the drone, the blackhawk, and the crew capsule have in common? (hint: they are ___)
  14. 27. S3 L10
  1. 2. S2 L10
  2. 4. S5 L10
  3. 7. S4 L10
  4. 8. car that comes with the swat gamepass
  5. 10. Fastest car in Jailbreak
  6. 11. S1 L10
  7. 14. S6 L10
  8. 17. car that comes with the boss gamepass
  9. 19. what is the most expensive vehicle that costs <$1,000,000?
  10. 21. deals 5 dmg per shot and shoots through walls
  11. 22. how many 5 days 5 vehicles events have there been? (as of 2022)
  12. 23. free offroader
  13. 24. S8 L10