
  1. 3. - In the middle ages the earth-centered view of the universe in which scholars believed that the Earth was an immovable object located at the center of the universe
  2. 6. - A major change in European thought starting in mid-1500’s studying the natural world began to be characterized by observations and accepted beliefs.
  3. 11. - English scientist who brought copernicus ideas under one theory
  4. 14. - Belief that the sun was in the center of the universe
  5. 17. - Logical procedure for gathering information by making experiments and observations.
  6. 18. - Italian scientist that made an early design of the telescope and supported the Copernicus theory which made Catholics angry
  7. 19. - a special gathering of intellectuals and artists
  8. 20. - a monarch who accepted enlightenment and its ideas
  1. 1. - Studied and devoted his life to political liberty
  2. 2. - A style that was seen around places like Versailles
  3. 4. - One of a group of social thinkers in France during the enlightenment.
  4. 5. - A belief that was held by many Philosophers and Scientists during the enlightenment that god created the universe and allowed it to run on its own natural laws
  5. 7. - The truth could be discovered through reason or logical thinking
  6. 8. - A Philosopher whose real name was Francois Marie Arouet. Published over 70 books of political essays philosophy and drama.
  7. 9. - A third great philosopher who committed to individual freedom
  8. 10. - people give lights to the government for law and order
  9. 12. - 15th Century movement in which thinkers applied principles of reason and the scientific method to all aspects of life.
  10. 13. - the art style in the late 1700s
  11. 15. - ruled from 1762 to 1792
  12. 16. - A philosopher who believed that people learn from experience and improve themselves