anatomy 12345

  1. 6. Soft and fibrous cartilage that provides shock absorption and cushion to your knee
  2. 9. Expanded end of the long bones
  3. 10. The process of bone formation
  4. 11. Osteoblasts that become surrounded by unmineralized matrix (osteoid) during bone formation
  5. 12. A movable joint in animals in which the surfaces of bones are connected by ligaments or cartilage
  6. 15. Cylindrical vascular tunnels formed by an osteoclast-rich tissue
  7. 17. Structure composed of an outer fibrous layer that lends structural integrity and an inner cambium layer
  8. 19. The soft, spongy tissue that has many blood vessels and is found in the center of most bones
  9. 20. A joint that can move freely
  10. 21. A fibrous connective tissue that attaches bone to bone
  1. 1. A thick liquid located between your joints
  2. 2. Lighter and less dense than compact bone
  3. 3. Large multinucleated cell responsible for the dissolution and absorption of bone
  4. 4. The shaft of a long bone.
  5. 5. Sacs filled with fluid between bones and soft tissues
  6. 7. Immovable joint
  7. 8. Dense bone leaving only tiny spaces (lacunae)
  8. 12. A joint between bones or cartilage in the skeleton
  9. 13. skeleton Consists of upper and lower extremities, that include the shoulder girdle and pelvis
  10. 14. Connective tissue-related bone cell responsible for the synthesis and mineralization of bone
  11. 16. A partial or complete break in the bone
  12. 18. In the central core of the body(made up of 80 bones)