The Book of Daniel

  1. 4. name given to Daniel (Dan1:7)
  2. 7. People seen praying were put in a ? den
  3. 8. what Daniel and his friends refused to
  4. 10. The kings dream was about the ______ days
  5. 12. everyone was to _________ the idol
  6. 14. The fire was _____ times hotter than
  7. 16. Daniel was _______ in his duty.6:4)
  8. 21. king that took control of Jerusalem (1:1)
  9. 23. thrown into the fiery_________. (3:11)
  10. 26. what became illegal for 30 days (Dan 6:7)
  11. 27. Darius liked _______ over all the others
  12. 29. The head was made of____. (Dan 2:32)
  1. 1. Who was to fourth person in the furnace?
  2. 2. What broke the image in the kingsdream?
  3. 3. Third King in the Book of Daniel
  4. 5. Daniel said O King, live __________. 6:21
  5. 6. One of these kept the lions mouths shut
  6. 9. the idol was threescore _______ tall.
  7. 11. the king was ____ after having a dream.
  8. 13. Daniel served God ________. (6:16)
  9. 15. Daniel saw the kings dream in a Vision.
  10. 17. Daniel prayed _________ times each day.
  11. 18. ______ men were seen walking in the
  12. 19. Shadrack, ________, and Abed-Nego (3:16)
  13. 20. What did Daniel and his friends eat?
  14. 22. Daniel did not want to ____ their
  15. 24. the image had feet made of iron and
  16. 25. everyone was commanded to attend the ?
  17. 28. in the Latter Days God will set up his