
  1. 2. move substances into or out of the cell
  2. 7. Makes up all living organisms
  3. 8. Help sequester waste products
  4. 9. Spherical structure found in the cell's nucleus
  5. 11. Responsible for movement of the cell or fluids on the cell
  6. 12. Regulates the transport of materials entering and exiting the cell
  7. 13. Provides a platform in which organelles can operate
  8. 16. synthesizing proteins by translating the genetic code
  9. 17. involved with the production, folding, quality control and despatch of some proteins.
  10. 18. Garbage truck of the cell
  11. 19. Multi cell organism
  1. 1. provides strength and protection against stress
  2. 3. synthesizes lipids, phospholipids and steroids
  3. 4. The middle and most important part of a cell
  4. 5. Trafficking, processing, and sorting of newly synthesized membrane
  5. 6. The power house of the cell
  6. 10. performs photosynthesis
  7. 13. Forms the chromosomes of the nucleus
  8. 14. Single cell organism
  9. 15. Small, membrane-enclosed organelles