Simple Machines

  1. 5. the outside of the wheel goes a ______ than the axle
  2. 6. this class lever has the effort in the middle
  3. 7. simple machines cannot _________ the amount of work
  4. 8. what you lift with a pulley
  5. 12. what you move or lift with a lever
  6. 14. the spot on the lever that the bar rotates around
  7. 15. A fixed pulley changes the _________ you pull
  8. 17. this class lever has the fulcrum in the middle
  9. 19. A wheel with a groove on the outside edge
  10. 21. Force times effort
  11. 22. In order for a lever to be _______ the distance times the mass on both sides must be equal
  12. 23. A round disk that has an axle going through the middle
  1. 1. A push or pull
  2. 2. as you increase the number of pulleys you have to pull ______ rope
  3. 3. the type of pulley that moves with the load
  4. 4. this type of inclined plane would be harder to go up
  5. 7. to find the MA of a wheel you divide the wheel ____ by the axle _____
  6. 9. Wheels reduce the amount of ______
  7. 10. the type of plane that is a sloped surface
  8. 11. this tells you how much easier it is to do something with that simple machine
  9. 13. When this increases effort decreases
  10. 16. this class lever has the resistance in the middle
  11. 18. the amount of force applied to a machine
  12. 20. the type of pulley that does not move
  13. 24. As you increase the number of pulleys you use ____ effort