
  1. 1. Solstice, Shortest day of the year
  2. 4. Start of Calendar year
  3. 8. A day of festivity, celebration or recreation
  4. 9. The activity of gliding across ice
  5. 10. Bed covering used for warmth
  6. 11. Water vapor frozen into ice crystals
  7. 12. A length of fabric worn around the neck
  8. 13. Low temperature
  9. 14. Frozen Water
  1. 1. Coldest season of the year
  2. 2. Temperature below 0 degrees celsius
  3. 3. Deposit of small ice crystals formed on surfaces
  4. 5. Protective footwear
  5. 6. severe snowstorm
  6. 7. A glove with two sections
  7. 8. hot beverage made with chocolate
  8. 11. Human figure created with compressed snow