  1. 2. Name of the group of German neo Marxists known as...
  2. 6. Seeks to end capitalism because it is considered as a way to restrain and control the population
  3. 8. Set of all interpersonal relationships
  4. 11. Is determined by many variables, including income, education, etc
  5. 13. This theory refers to systems that present a complex global behavior
  6. 14. Talks to us of lack of knowledge there is about the system
  7. 16. Is related to the different nature of the parts of a system
  8. 18. Society is based on...
  1. 1. Proposes that many cultural elements such as myths, lenguages structures are common to all human civilizations
  2. 3. Political system based on the republic and democracy
  3. 4. Levi-Strauss analyzes ... such as languages, myths and kinship systems
  4. 5. It represents a state in which a system eventually stabilizes
  5. 7. Theory that analyze social phenomena from different perspectives
  6. 9. The pioneer in developing the chaos theory was...
  7. 10. Refers to the theory that had as principle of material life the existence of individuals
  8. 12. The methodological way to discover these rules is through the identification of...
  9. 15. Is the qualitative non-periodic and unstable study
  10. 17. An organized system of symbols that guides individuals and establishes institutionalized patterns