4.2 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 5. 75% of our body is this
  2. 6. The ability to keep the body steady while standing or moving
  3. 8. The vitamins and minerals that humans/animals need to properly function
  4. 9. Not having enough water in your system
  5. 12. The ability to maintain one's balance
  6. 14. Examples of this include; Gatorade, Powerade, Body Armour
  7. 16. A food and nutrients scientist
  8. 17. The kinds/types of food that consumers eat
  1. 1. Nutrient rich foods that include carrots, spinach, broccoli..
  2. 2. Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium... We can get these minerals from sports drinks/fruits & vegetables; they help our muscles to properly function
  3. 3. A person who studies nutrition and gives nutrition advice as their job
  4. 4. Your "trunk", aka your chest, belly, and back
  5. 7. Core muscles in your belly; "6-pack"
  6. 8. A synonym for your diet
  7. 10. When your muscles are too tired or they don't have enough water/electrolytes, they do this
  8. 11. Having enough water in your system
  9. 13. Nutrient rich food that include apples, bananas, strawberries
  10. 15. The test in the fitness gram that measures cardiorespiratory endurance