- 2. me when full moon
- 5. IHOP’s favourite customer
- 7. mike tyson had 3
- 11. One’s heart has been used for a heart transplant
- 13. Jack Black
- 14. …, …, goose
- 15. only bird that can fly backwards
- 18. trash panda
- 20. it’s fingerprints were confused with a humans at a crime scene
- 21. Michae Jordan in basketball
- 24. antagonist in jaws
- 25. Likes to move it move it
- 26. wants grapes. Can’t get grapes. Sour grapes.
- 27. an animal that was bullied with: “How’s the weather up there”
- 28. Predecessor of humans
- 1. contradiction of an animal (lays eggs but is a mammal)
- 3. has the highest hunt succession percentage
- 4. A bug that camouflages itself as a stick
- 6. works all day for it’s queen
- 8. the only mammal that cannot jump(size)
- 9. …, beats, battlestar galactica
- 10. Scrabbers, Peter Pettigrew
- 11. Why are copying me
- 12. Only tail
- 16. the most religious bug
- 17. extinct bird
- 19. has 3 hearts and 9 brains
- 22. the strongest bite force in the animal kingdom
- 23. goes crazy for nuts