Social Studies

  1. 2. to increase in speed
  2. 5. group of corporations run by a single board of directors
  3. 8. place where people received medical treatment, for free or a small fee
  4. 10. someone who sets up new businesses to make a profit
  5. 11. started as a poor Scottish immigrant, entered the railroad business, then the steel industry
  6. 13. a company that controls most or all businesses in a particular industry
  7. 14. unions negotiating with management for workers as a group
  8. 15. worked for years to create the first telephone
  9. 16. invested in an oil refinery and formed the Standard Oil Trust
  10. 17. to give good reason for an action
  11. 18. to change; to make different
  12. 19. perfected a system to mass produce cars and make them available for cheaper
  13. 20. buildings divided into many tiny apartments
  14. 22. purify; or make free from impurities
  15. 23. to get rid of
  1. 1. Center offering help to the urban poor
  2. 3. the system in which privately owned businesses compete freely
  3. 4. businesses owned by many investors
  4. 5. “invention factory” at Menlo Park NJ light bulb and hundreds more inventions
  5. 6. the president of the American Federation of Labor
  6. 7. testes out airplanes for transportation
  7. 9. manufacturing method in which a product is put together as it moves along a belt
  8. 12. a document giving someone the sole right to make and sell an invention/product
  9. 17. she created settlement houses for the poor
  10. 21. rapid growth of city populations